Rose and the Sunflower


Short Description

The sunflower and the rose are being personified in the story below. They question the traits of each other while letting each other see it through live examples, rather than answering immediately they proved that what is acquired by them, gives them security from mishappenings and strength to live. It is an interesting short story that reveals the moral of the story by the end. Comment your views about the story.


In the morning!

                           When the sun was rising, the rose woke up and bloomed beautifully. The same way the sunflowers, raised their heads and slowly faced towards the sun, from where it rises and till where it sets (from East to West). One of the roses used to notice that all the sunflowers do the same, but little did she know, why. Even the sunflowers noticed something about the roses and asked one day, 'So beautiful, so blooming, yet why do you all have spikes on your body (the stem)?' The rose responded with a mysterious face saying, "You'll know someday." The sunflower didn't like the attitude, yet stayed quiet and waited patiently to get the answer.
The same afternoon, some human families came to visit the rose garden, and within some time the kids started to touch the rose, they start hurting the rose petals, but before it happens, one child gets hurt from the spike and stops touching other flowers as well. The sunflowers were fortunately faced towards the rose garden and saw this happening. The sunflower who questioned the rose for the reason behind the spikes on roses gets the answer visually. The spikes are naturally built to protect the roses as they have a delicate stem or get affected by any external forces, so the beauty of the blooming red rose doesn't die before its time.

The sunflower goes to sleep as the sun sets and doesn't have enough energy to call the rose and tell her, that he finally got his answer. But the rose already looks at him, wanting to ask that why do the sunflowers face towards the sun and follow, as it changes the position in the sky, while no other flower in the fields has ever done that.
The next morning, they wake up again, blooming all over again. The sunflower finally gains the energy and calls out the rose and the rose responds that she saw him falling asleep too early last evening, and it felt like he was losing life but now it looks superfine and fresh, and nothing like the last evening. The sunflower responded, that the sun is the main source of their life and when it goes away, the sunflowers tend to look lifeless while they store the energy and stay alive that till the next morning comes and the sun gives them energy again. The rose asks again, "Why is it that only your breed does that and no other?" The sunflower responded winking at her, "Just like yours, miss! We don't have spikes."

The rose immediately realizes, that every breed and every flower has its own unique quality and flaw and must never be compared as a weak one.

Moral Of the Story-

The same way, every person has its own unique identity, quality, problems, and their own way of solving problems. People think that suggesting or forcing their ways of doing things on others will solve their problem, but sometimes it can cause harm or bring in more problems to them.

And often people judge the book by its cover, taking their first impression as their last one. They do not tend to understand why are they like that.

This story also shows us that sometimes, actions are often more reliable and bigger than words of promise. The Evidences and the proofs are often bigger than just few statements.

A Short story by- Swarnika Prakash

I hope you liked the story and understood the moral of this beautifully written short story. Do share and keep visiting back sometimes. @swarablogs


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