Death of me Explained

The Death of Me- Explained 

There used to be a part of me,
Innocent and also sweet,
Didn’t know about the world,
Full of negativity,
Having all my empathy,
For the world that doesn’t need it,
Just so eager to stay neat,
All in front of living meat.

In the first stanza, a person had a part of herself that was very soft, kind, sweet and innocent. But little did this person know about the word that is filled with negativity and this person always had empathy for everyone. The poet also tells that this person is so eagered to look neat and good in front of others that it goes prey in front of them. The "living meat" is the metaphor used by the poet to refer to the bad people whose humanity is dead.

Gave more than enough to be, 
Thinking of the courtesy.
They did not deserve any,
So that part is dead in me.
Where to bury or cremate,
Sadness for too much at stake,
So I eat and drink that flesh. 
Just to find myself in state.

In the second stanza, the poet says that she gave more than enough to people thinking about the courtesy while they did not deserve any of it. After all of it this part is dead in the poet now. But the poet is worried that even though the part is dead she must cremate or bury it properly before it becomes a burden. As the poet does not find a place to do so she eats it and finishes the dead "flesh" so that she can go back to her normal state that is not very innocent or fool to be generous or caring no more for selfish beings.

Had some therapies and healing,
Still cannot forget the feeling,
Being betrayed by traitors cheating,
I did not see, kept them feeding.
Didn’t think it was my fate,
Troubles that wicked men gave,
Somehow, I just got engaged,
To step back, was pretty late.

In the third stanza, the poet goes for several therapies and healing sessions but still that feeling cannot be forgotten by the poet of being betrayed by the traitors who seemed nice at first but ended up cheating. Little did she know about their motives and she kept feeding them with all she had. She did not think that this is going to be her future given by the bad men who dated her showing that they are very nice but they were not and she got so engaged that it was too late to take a step back.

Soon or late I realized,
It was too much compromise,
I should have been minding business,
Not for others, just for mine.
So I killed that part of me,
Which others used well to shine.
Fools think it's over for me,

In the fourth stanza, she realized it was too much to compromise from her side and that she should have been mind in her own business and not others so that she could save all the help for herself. Now she killed her soft part in her which was used by many people to get famous using the her energy and time. Also the poet mentions at the end of the poem, the fool people still think that this is over for her but the part that was used by others was gone and dead and she is alive with her other part which is clearly not generous or kind to them.

This poem is written by an Indian writer, Swara.


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Death of me- Poem by swara